Wednesday, December 5

Fun Times during the middle of the week!

First off I wanna say thank goodness the week is almost over! And woozah that I actually found time to post again today. I guess there is hope yet that the laziest and/or busiest of us can find motivation to not curl-up into a ball and whine about how hard working and studying are.  I was walking around today and finally made something that was good enough to share.
Time for the random people or no one if nobody reads this I rarely check if anyone actually reads these things, one its depressing if no one does and two this is a stress reliever you know something fun for me and possible for you mystery internet folks....Jarks! Sorry I'm very off topic back to point. Here is the fun I promised and I made it myself this time a little holiday cheer for you assuming your humor is good:
Just in case anyone did make something like this I'm sorry but I made this because I didn't see anything similar to it when I searched Google. I only own rights to this movie in my greatest dreams and mean absolutely no disrespect to any of the movies characters or actors. Enjoy none the less as I did at laughing at the obivious meme that was made here and share it with your friends if you'd like especially if you like the Grinch since its such a great movie.
Enjoy the rest of the ever long and dragging weeks before holidays- Inrisus


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