Saturday, September 7

5 Reason Computers and I have a Love hate relationship!

So lately I have been having an impeccable amount of horrid luck with just about everything, but especially with my computer and other electronic devices. So internet being, since my misfortune has hereby made me absolutely insane (yea, it is entirely possible even for me if you could tell from reading any of my other little pieces of blogging nah nah blah blahness) I am going to share with you why I absolutely hate yet love computers in no particular order other than how they pop into my brain.

1. Anything can "kill" a computer! Be it your soda, A piece of tissue, more obviously lightning or a poorly wired electrical system any thing can easily kill a computer yet they are so expensive and horridly difficult to repair by yourself sometimes.
2. Now I get autocorrected by Windows 8 on my desktop -_- all I have to say was just expressed by that emoticon, dear electronics industry, no one liked autocorrector on the cellphone why are you making it a feature on everything now and why won't it turn off even after I tell it to?!
3.Computers run updates FOREVER! why does it take two hours for one small program to finish its update but it will not let you look at other programs with out large amounts of lag and/or buffering even when the programs are entirely unrelated to each other?
4. Computers that do work actually do make work faster and more efficient.
5. Computers play funny videos.

So there it is, a day late this post is to anyone who actually cares/likes to read my tiny little blog. Tell me if I am crazy or you can relate in the comments below, remember to follow for news of the bi-weekly updates of well this... sort of stuff and whatever else I feel like posting, leave request for topics if you want. See ya Friday if my computer gets repaired, if not hopefully at least by Saturday then. Peace out cyber-being- InrisusIngenuity

Friday, August 16

How to make people think your crazy!

The title explains the whole thing of what this writing, article, whatever you want to call it is about so lets not be repetitive and get straight into things shall we!? But wait you ask "Why would you want people to think your crazy?What possible gain can I get from learning how to pretend to be crazy?", great questions which I have great answers for, being:

It can be very funny to confuse/slightly scare relatives.
It helps detour that one guy  or gal who just will not stop hitting on your sexy face.
It can get you attention.
People will think you are more fun and happy-go-lucky than others.
It can detour people who are looking to be mean or punch-in your face.
Stress will just drain from you with every outburst of the crazy.

Ba Boom lots of reasons it is good to know how to act crazy! Now I'll explain what type of crazy I mean when I say crazy, cause my idea of crazy and your idea of crazy are probably to different things if you hear what im sayin and i know you can at least read what i'm sayin, you know what i'm sayin? Cause now I don't know what i'm saying, seriously I forgot already..................................................oh yea we were talking about crazy.  So yea, your crazy is probably straight jackets, funny farms, child celebrities that have grown up, etc. My crazy is random outburst, loud noises, random dancing in public, and getting over excited about really random things. See the diff? Nutso Crazy vs. Quirky Awesome Crazy! Now that that is explained lets go into depth of how to be Quirky Awesome Crazy, I'll write it out in the next little section which I can't call a paragraph or list because its like both the previous mixed together.

ok so how you become Quirky Awesome Crazy is you
must randomly every now and again vocalize your internal thoughts about random things. Be smart though don't voice those opinions about your bosses tupe or how much you hate your life, those stay inside voices for only you to hear so you stay out of trouble.Saying or singing the things you are doing actually makes them easier to sit down and do in one sitting especially if it is your taxes or a boring finance report for your faux haired crank of a boss (if you have one of those...).
must find ways to make grocery shopping a roller coaster, I recommend using the cart as a scooter but only when its full and weights more than you do otherwise it will wack you in the forehead and leave a nice bright red line on your head, learned from experience...painful experience, this will not only make your shopping faster it is alot more fun as well.
Turning on the radio to one of those elaborate opera channels in the car and dramatically lipsinging is a great way to relieve stress and learn a new language, but unless you do this a whole lot (because of the stares it can get awkward) so the education and culture are wasted on you but try it anyways cause it is a good face stretch after a poker game you just lost.
If you have kids and you just paid for the mall kiddie ride carousel thing and your not super heavy, hop on and steal one ride around. It will make your little one smile and make you the envy of the parents on the playground. If you don't have kids, don't do this or you'll be mistaken for a pedophile and no one will ever come near you again(this is a serious warning I am not responsible if you get arrested).
Hopping, skipping, or jumping from place to place is great exercise and puts a cheerful bounce in your step until you get tired but then it makes sitting at your desk feel like a tiny tropical escape.

Well that is it how to make people think your a good kind of crazy! hope you enjoyed reading and come back next week same time same place. peace out-InrisusIngenuity
(DISCLAIMER : Results of actually doing some of or all the listed above things will vary, be smart don't go overboard and stay safe, I am not responsible if you go overboard and get sent away or injured, please be quirky awesome cray cray in moderation and if you aren't I am not to blame for your lack of ability to know your limit and read the limits of those around you.)