Showing posts with label necessary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label necessary. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1

So my computer finally works right again!

Hello all my gorgeous internet friends! Finally I am able to properly right a post for you. It took two weeks but at long last we can all go back to being creatures of habit reading and in my case writing about really random awesome stuff that can be relaxing on our usual fun time of Fridays and Mondays YAYAY! I will start posting up more meme pictures starting Monday instead of long written ranty post like this one. So any ways here for your pleasure is a list of interesting things that happen when a workaholic (such as myself) has no outlet of technology to let out the bottled up "need to do" feels:

  1. You feel the urge to clean EVERYTHING
  2. You mess everything you just cleaned to the point that it REALLY shines making it even messier than it had been.
  3. You get hungry after doing the above so you cook a feast even though you are the only one home.
  4. Clean everything to the extreme again.
  5. Sit down and tap your foot at your desk.
  6. Have a panick attack and hyperventilate AGAIN when you remember your computer is broken.
  7. Decide to go for a jog.
  8. Remember you hate exercise.
  9. Repeat this process.
This is what my near month has been like. I think we can all agree I need more friends or something cause this is a little sad. Tell me cyber beings, do you share any similar connection feels like I have for my blogging hobby and electronics in general? Tell me about them so I feel like less pathetic of  a human being in the comments section. If you want to be friends follow the blog and join the crazy circle that is my boredom at its darkest, awkwardest, and most humorous times posted for all the internet to view if they so choose. Stay Crazy- Inrisus Ingenuity

Friday, August 2

I iz back!

Hello random internet being(s) that bothered to click on this sad, sad blog about nothing really in particular. As you may have already noticed this is the first entry that I have made in about 6 mo- 1 yr. What can I saw I have been really very busy with life(and between you and me my attention span has prevented me from being able to decide what I should actually post on here, one minute I wanna do this the next I think that might be awesomer etc., etc. you know how it is....unless you don't that's cool too) So any ways, as I was saying it has been a looooonnnnnngggg time since I even touched my computer to do anything half productive but no more!!! I shall try to contain myself and find new awesome stuff to post to this blog to make both youse and it smile and be shiny happy like the sun or at least think "well hey it coulda been worst today!". So look on readers and come back another day for a dose of good old fashion random stuff which I will be posting to improve my own horribly short intention span, so that I may one day finish one of those sappy novels all the other youthful people read in 1 day that are 1000 pages of supposed awesome. I sound like i'm ninety i'm going to stop any book recommendations for me new friend? Wanna correct the intentionally wrong grammar in the comments? Go ahead and leave those in the comments if you read down this far. P.S Awesome your still reading my non-sense dribbly!? This is great! If you got this far type ;) in the comments section, they everyone else reading will be all "why is there a ";)" face in the comments, I dun get it." it can be an inside joke just for this post teehee. You know you wanna do it go ahead it relieves stress, jk idk if it really does but hey it worth a shot right. Take a look at this awesome random picture I made of a teddy-bear cupcake galaxy.
Well I have to go back to playing Candy Crus.....I mean looking up and making awesome picture that are smile-worthy, till next time -InrisusIngenuity

Wednesday, September 5

The boring explanatory bit for everything else to seem fun

Long title right? Sorry about that person that hails from the unknown abyss that is known as the Internet. Alright so cutting to the chase I have just started this blog and blah, blah,blah.... complicated reasons and babbled explanations..... I am gonna start posting things like funny facebook ims, quotes and paintings and pictures that I find or make up for your enjoyment and mine. Nothing terribly serious, bone crushingly taboo or anything that is a topic of strongly divided opinion right? Basically all I want to to is give you and others reading this something you can look forward to at the end of the day to unwind, breath, remember to enjoy life and possibly smile.I will post new enjoyable, encouraging and akwardly funny things every monday and friday. Now before this post gets much longer (and you get tired of reading), I must bid you good day and happy fun times.

From your new favorite blogger,